Jalan Pantai Berawa, Gang Kunti No.6 Canggu, North-Kuta, Bali. Phone: +623614740664 Mobile: +6281238917644

Askara Canggu Townhouse Insiders

23 Jun

Raw Food Workshop at Samadi Bali

Hello everyone! Hope you enjoy your days in Bali so far. By the way, have you ever heard about “Raw Food”? For me it is totally new thing but in the worldwide scale “Raw Food” is now in trend in everywhere especially supported by health conscious people including famous celebrities and models. Actually my first thought/question came out from my brain was “Is this Sushi you are talking about?” but generally the one people calls “Raw Food” means “foods made of fresh raw vegetables, seeds and nuts.” One month ago, coincidently I found an interesting post on Facebook about Raw Food Workshop held in Canggu and I decided totake 3 days course in spite of no prior knowledge about it.

The workshop was held at Samadi Bali located at Jalan Padang Linjong, also known as famous Ashtanga Yoga studio for devotional yogins/yoginis. The instructor, Ms. Sayuri Tanaka is a raw food chef who currently based on Ubud, Bali. Actually this raw food workshop is a part of collaboration workshop with Yoga sessions so most of the participants were yoga practitioners (besides me).

Here I woud like to introduce what we learned through 3 days workshop:

<Day 1>

*Nut Milk

*Chai & Goji Chia Porridge

*Zucchini Pasta with Marinara sauce & Parmesan

*Bliss Ball


Zucchini Pasta

<Day 2>

*Flax Crackers

*Corn Tortilla Wrapper


*Cheese Cake


Not using cheese at all but the taste is totally creamy Cheese Cake


Flex Cracker

<Day 3>

*Superfood Smoothies

*Original Chocolate with flavor

*Curry Butter with cracker

*Chipotle mayo with wrap sand


Cherry flavor Chocolate


Tortilla Wrap Sand with Chipotle Mayo

I know you guys surprise at the variety of menu only created by raw material. I also thought the same way. And what’s most impressed me is raw food is not a kind of light food or just an appetizer before meal, but it would be your main dish(substantial and not feel hungry after eat). It is power food!

If you want to learn more about Raw Food or try it, kindly visit Ms. Sayuri’s web-site(http://balirawchef.com/) and check the latest workshop information. I hear she is now busy for preparation to open her new raw food concept café at Ubud(will be opened this autumn 2016). Also for those who want to join Ashtanga Yoga lessons at beautiful Samadi Bali, I will put location information as below. You may want to visit Samadi Sunday Market (from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. ) as their regular Sunday community event.

Samadi Bali

Address: Jl. Pantai Padang Linjong, Echo Beach, Canggu-Bali

TEL: +62(0)81238312505

Homepage: http://www.samadibali.com/

Canggu Mania




ワークショップが開催されたのはチャングのパダン・リンジョン通りにあるSamadi Bali。ここは有名なアシュタンガ・ヨガスタジオでもあります。今回のワークショップのインストラクターを務めていたのは、ローフードシェフの田中さゆりさん、現在はウブドを中心に活動をされています。どうやら、ローフードとヨガって深い関係があるらしく、実は私が参加したこのワークショップもローフードとヨガレッスンのコラボ・ワークショップだったのですが(私はヨガのセッションは取らずに、ローフードのパートだけ参加)、道理で参加者のほとんどがヨギン・ヨギーニだったわけです。では、3日間のワークショップを通じて、どんな料理を作ったのかメニューをここでご紹介しましょう。

















そんなローフードについてもっと知りたい、気になって食べてみたいという方は、ぜひさゆりシェフのホームページを覗いてみてください。最新のワークショップ情報が手に入るかもしれません。また現在彼女はこの秋ウブドにオープン予定のローフードをコンセプトにしたカフェの準備中とのことなので、そちらも楽しみですね。そしてアシュタンガ・ヨガのレッスンをぜひ受けてみたいという方のために、Samadi Baliの情報も下記に載せておきます。毎週日曜日の朝9時から開かれているSamadiサンデー・マーケットもおすすめですよ。


Canggu Mania



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